Content Marketing

Crafting Unique Solutions That Get Your Business Seen

Our 5 Step Approach to Content Strategy
Step 1

Target Audience Research and Analysis

Whether it’s B2C or B2B, people don’t just buy products – they buy solutions. That is why the first step in our content marketing strategies begins with learning about your target audience and their unique buyer journey. Utilizing UX principles of qualitative and quantitative research, we survey prospects, meet staff, interview customers, and host focus groups to determine what content will best achieve your goals, by achieving their goals. The process also encompasses a deep dive into your audiences’ pains, desires, and questions to develop a data-backed strategy that aligns content with customer wants and needs.
You’ll have a wealth of data about your target audience and what drives them, resonates with them, or convinces them to take a conversion action.
Step 2

Content Strategy

Following our comprehensive research and data analysis, we begin crafting a content strategy that will build the foundation for all of your content marketing efforts- including a detailed roadmap of deadlines by which to track our progress. We will be in close contact during this part of the process and you will have the opportunity to provide feedback and make suggestions while we finesse our strategies and align them with your objectives.
By the end of this phase, you’ll have a bulletproof strategy for your copy and content, mapped to your marketing funnel, customer journey, and target market.
Step 3

Content Creation

This is where we start creating content based on the content marketing strategy we’ve developed. Our amazing team of creatives will craft professional content that reflects your brand across all online channels.
Anything and everything we dreamed up during the content strategy can be achieved by our crack team of media experts, copywriting specialists, graphic designers, and web developers. You’ll never need to outsource a thing. We can produce it all in-house for you: professional-grade photos, videos, podcasts, graphics and infographics, social media posts, blog articles, and more!
After this milestone, you’ll have a reservoir of fresh and evergreen content that compels customers and extends your brand from the minds and talents of our team at DRIP Marketing.
Step 4

Buyer Search Intent

Content marketing in its final stages: From the very start, we work to create content that matches a buyer’s search intent. This means that it answers their questions, addresses the buyer at their exact point in the buyer journey, and establishes you as an expert they can trust. Ultimately, we aim to create the right content that drives your target audience down the sales funnel, progressively leading them to a conversion action. After developing content for your unique and tailored content marketing strategy, we funnel the articles through our omnichannel content distribution process. Your content, as well as its distribution, targets your audience to build brand awareness and generate warm leads.
Your channels will be full of all that valuable content that can earn shares, engagement, or backlinks – the stepping-stones to increasing brand awareness, trust, and sales.
Step 5

Content ROI: Continually Measure Analytics and Reform

Our content marketing doesn’t just stop at distribution. Using top-grade industry software, we collect and analyze data to measure content performance and reform our strategy to continually increase content effectiveness. The digital realm is an ever-shifting landscape that requires consistent measuring and testing to ensure the best results for you and your brand, so you can get the greatest return on your investment.
We provide you with data analysis on how our content is performing. Our data-driven philosophy means we assume nothing, test everything, and adapt accordingly.
Types of Content for Your Strategy
By providing free value to the target audience, you become a recognizable brand that people trust and want to follow – and that will always be the ultimate goal in content marketing.
This strategy helps to build a following of warm leads who will be more receptive to any sales pitch you throw their way. A well-developed content strategy also improves your reach and market saturation, grows your audience, improves engagement on your social media channels, drives traffic to your website, and may even establish backlinks for your website (which increases your domain authority).
By working with our team, you’ll learn how to push boundaries with unique ideas brought to life by engaging design, 4k video, and podcast recordings that’ll leave your audience wanting more.
DRIP Marketing has some of the most creative, driven, and talented individuals ready to work for you.

Graphics and Visuals

Images are immediately impactful on any website because they evoke an emotional response, and have the benefit of being one of the most easily consumed pieces of content. They’re also a good linkable asset and grow your reach due to their appearance in Google image searches- arguably the second largest search engine on the web. Due to the incredible versatility of graphics and other visuals, we’re able to match visuals to any stage of the sales funnel, in any marketing strategy.
DRIP Marketing has a brilliant team of media professionals and graphic designers who can do everything from photography to infographics, to icons, branded assets for the web, and social media visuals for posts.


Time and again videos outperform most other types of content, and the demand for them is only growing. So, while video content is more time-consuming to produce, there are already clear advantages. Aside from the demand and great performance, video commands attention amidst an otherwise static page (and has the capacity to go viral). Not to mention it provides another avenue for engagement with your audience, as different people respond to different mediums of communication.
Our media production team is fully equipped to handle your video content needs, including scripting, storyboarding, shooting, cutting, editing, and creating nifty overlays and transitions that make videos more engaging. We’ve produced content such as testimonial videos, online tutorials, interviews, documentaries, and show-reels.


Almost everyone seems to have a podcast these days – and with good reason! Podcasts are episodic series of spoken content used to educate, entertain, or inform. They assist in adding that “human” element to a brand and audiences can feel more connected through this more intimate format. One of the reasons people love podcasts is that they’re easy to consume while on the go and great for audiences that prefer to digest information via an auditory format. Brands love podcasts just as much because they can generate a massive reach when distributed through a podcast network.
At DRIP Marketing we have our own podcast studio complete with all the right equipment to produce and edit podcasts. Become a thought-leader with your own podcast, start a talk show, tell your company history, record a companion piece for your written content, or interview a guest about your product.


Blogging has been the tried-and-true method of content marketing since the beginning of the internet. They are highly functional, easy to produce, and very cost-effective. Articles can showcase your brands’ knowledge and authority, or even establish your brand as a thought leader.
The benefit to using a copywriter vs a traditional blogger is that copywriters write strategically using language, tone, and voice in a way that speaks to an audience. We have some truly incredible copywriters here at DRIP Marketing who can write up short or long-form content specifically tailored to your audience and content strategy.

Social Media

Social media content relies heavily on visuals and emotional connections and is most successful when used to educate, entertain, or inspire. Since you’re already doing this across your brand, we recommend repurposing infographics, videos, podcasts, and blogs on social media. This not only helps to maintain brand consistency and message, but it is also great for your distribution, engagement, and traffic. The power of social media lies in its ability to build brand awareness, create audiences, and form a community.
The team at DRIP Marketing is well-versed in content creation for social media. With our talented media specialists, graphic designers, and copywriters we can help you with creating engaging posts, branded assets like social media banners and profile images, and branded templates for posts or content calendars for your own team to use.

Our team has helped dozens of clients increase revenue by 100%+

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    What is 2 + 2 ?

    Check out our detailed case study

    Rent1 Heavy Equipment Rentals

    Over $100K+ revenue from organic leads in less than 6 months
    Reduced cost per click for the entire campaign by 48%
    Increased lead numbers by 43%+

    Physician Skincare Centre

    Increasing organic traffic & bookings by 70%
    Managed a 30% conversion rate on select campaigns
    Improved website speed by 70%+

    Joey’s Junk

    Doubled Organic traffic from 4,500 users to over 10,000
    Developed a new media strategy
    Eliminated the need for paid ads

    Life Maid Easy

    128% increase in the number of leads
    800%+ increase in referral traffic
    152% increase in qualified traffic

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